Monday, June 11, 2012


I travel a lot--inside my country of course--and get to meet tons of people and see tons of things. It's awesome but also not so awesome.We have to drive everywhere, and depend on other people for accommodation and other stuff. This past weekend my dad and I went to the city where I lived a few years ago, and I got to see some friends and see a movie (we don't have those around here:-/), etc. etc. It was 100% fun, but I was so tired after everything that when we came home today, I slept for I don't know what amount of time. And let me just tell you: I don't take afternoon naps. It's so not me.

Anyway, something random always happens on these trips, and this time it happened while friends and I were driving "home" after the movie. So we were waiting in the parking lot (getting burgers at a garage) and then a beat up red Toyota drove in.............with a guy sitting in the front passenger seat holding his surfboard against his door. It was a...very alternative way to transport your board. I wanted to get a pic, but my flash was on and all I got was the dust on our window. aaaargh!!  I ducked at the speed of light, and then my friend told me they were looking at us....and waving.  She was freaking out because it was so embarrassing, and I was laughing like crazy. We sure looked guilty...because they saw the 2 of us staring at them before I even tried to "archive" them, and now there was only 1 person in the back. I'm so bummed I didn't get that photo, but next time I am rolling my window down for sure.

I quickly drew what it [sort of] looked like. =]

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