Snow is a rare thing in South Africa. A beautiful and magnificent treat to anyone just passing by, but a hazard to anyone owning a farm. However, we don’t own a farm, and we don’t get snow in these parts. So last Monday we drove about three hours from home, into the mountainous area near Lesotho, hoping to still see some snow after hearing about it from friends.

I’ve never touched fresh snow—it’s always been just a thin layer and either already frozen or melting. But this year the snow covered the fields, hills, and mountaintops as if someone had generously poured icing sugar over them. The snow was already sort of frozen, but not so much that you couldn’t pound someone with a snowball or two (which my mom did to me as I was taking photos). I must confess that the sight of snow had me beaming outside and inside with extreme pleasure. The brown (like a dark copper colour) grass brought a spectacular contrast to the spotless white snow. Later on in the day, we returned home, and I snapped my last few pics for the day as my camera’s batteries died. Simply driving by and stopping in the midst of the snow with my family has become o
ne of my most cherished memories.
"Kindness is like snow - it beautifies everything it covers"
-Khalil Gibran
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