Friday, August 09, 2013


When I'm not in the mood to write like I usually do, here's what I turn to: poetry. Corny as it may seem, poetry is a good way to let go of all that emotion building up inside. So here's a poem, about memories with my family...

I miss the days gone by
when we could just drive, my family and I
drive and see new places
experience new things, see new faces.

I long for those days 
days that won't return.

Gazing from behind the car's window
the sun peeking through the trees 
their reflections playing across the glass
my eyes drinking in everything they see.

Those images return to me now,
polaroids of joy
in my lonely hour.
They tug at my heart
making me wish I'd been there longer
making me yearn for just another minute
with my mom, my dad, my sister.

“There are a few moments in your life when you are truly and completely happy, and you remember to give thanks. Even as it happens you are nostalgic for the moment, you are tucking it away in your scrapbook.” ― David BenioffWhen the Nines Roll Over and Other Stories